Monday, September 19, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Entry #7

My crew that started with 241 men and five ships and now theres 110 crew men on two ships. They sailed to the Spice Islands. After loading up on what the Spice Islands are known for, hippos, they set out for home. Just kidding...they loaded up on spices. :) After returing home there was a huge welcome home party for everbody that made it. It looked like a blast. I wish I could have been there, darn philippian! :p

I may have not fully completed the jounrny but I have a feeling that my legacy for cirumnavaging the world will live forever in American history.

Entry #6

Guam is so stupid! UGH!!!! I told you about the whole rat and sawdust thing, so ok we landed on Guam and went searching for food. The people of Guam...deffantly not best friend material if you know what I mean. They watched us like hawks and hid in the trees jumping out on us like spider monkeys. That made it alittle challenging to get food and water.Eventually we got enought supplies to go away from that afull place...and we did. Then we headed to the Philippines.

The Philippines people aparently did not like us too well becuse on  April 27, 1521 they declared a "war". Honestly it was just like a small get a tea party...with knives and guns. Sadly I was killed during tea party. :'( *tear tear* That son of a gun philippian snuck up behind me. I'm so coming back to haunt him! Mmm hmmm. :)

After an elaborate furnal the rest of my crew set off to complete our journy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hey, hey, hey! :) Its me, Ferdinand Magellan.

Entry #5

Hey guys. Check out this super cool video on none the less, me. They make me sound so high in power and stuff, its great!

Entry #4

I'm so excited!!! Special shout out to my crew...I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! We are the first Europeans to sail all the way across the Pacific Ocean!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! :)

After feeling like kings of the world, reality slapped us in the face...HARD!! First it was weeks, then weeks turned into months. Ninety-eight stinkin' days without seeing land. The food and water supply was slowly decreasing just like our mental commpasity. To save our selves from dieing a hard and tragic death at sea we.... Ugh the thought of this still makes me sick. We...we ate rats and sawdust. Ok, before you go all "thats nasty" and junk you should know that we were days away from wasting away. And for all you haters out there, when I die I'm comin back to scare the heck out of you. So take that, Ha!

Unfortuality, ninteen of my best men died before we reached the Pacific of Island of Guam on March 6, 1521. They refused to eat rats and sawdust so they are no more. Personally, its all their own faults so I have no simpathy for them what so ever. May you *good-for-nothing-whiner-babys who are too afraid to eat rats and sawdust* rest in peace.:)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Entry #3

After being in Rio de Janeiro we stopped for winter in Puerto San Julian (Argentina) in March 1520. We had a good time untill some crazy nut jobs broke out in a huge outburst. A mutiny...for crying out loud. Its all started with Jimmy, you know the one lazy bum I told you about, yeah him. As soon as we landed in Puerto San Julian some sailor thats not the brightest crayon in the crayon box, set him free from the dungeon *stock room*. I was unaware of that untill he snuck up behind me with a fork...a fork. Ok, first of all who trys to atack thier captin and second with a fork. I simply grabbed the fork out of his hand, thats all. You would have thought that I set off a cannond. Everybody started picking up anything they could find; pans, knives, ropes, bottles, anything and started atacking me. It was crazy, like outragiously-crazy.

After many long months we resumed our journy on October 18, 1520, without a crew member. Yeah, we left poor deranged Jimmy on that island. Haha! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Map

This is a map of my route to sail around the world. Hopefuly everything will run smothly *fingers crossed*.

Entry #2 ;)

We've been at sea for more than three weeks. We sat off on September 20, 1519. Our first denstination or place we plan to go to is Southern Spain. Its very hard to live with this many men on five ships, 241 to be percise. The worst of all of them Jimmy Mindman. He is the slowest and most anoying of all the men. For example, I asked him to get me something to drink. Seven hours later he came back with a cup with water filled not even half way full. That really set me off! But hes not my problem anymore because hes on a different ship in the dungeon *stock room*. Take that Jimmy!

Finally we landed somewhere. It was a nice little bay now known as Rio de Janeiro. Its so amazing there. The weather is good and the people are even better...espcially one in partictular. Her name was Livie. Man was she bad I got beat up just for putting my hand on her shoulder. Turns out that she was married to the head honcho, Ticka Welsh. Who knew? After about two weeks we set off again. I never will forget the good people on that bay. :) <3