Thursday, September 8, 2011

Entry #2 ;)

We've been at sea for more than three weeks. We sat off on September 20, 1519. Our first denstination or place we plan to go to is Southern Spain. Its very hard to live with this many men on five ships, 241 to be percise. The worst of all of them Jimmy Mindman. He is the slowest and most anoying of all the men. For example, I asked him to get me something to drink. Seven hours later he came back with a cup with water filled not even half way full. That really set me off! But hes not my problem anymore because hes on a different ship in the dungeon *stock room*. Take that Jimmy!

Finally we landed somewhere. It was a nice little bay now known as Rio de Janeiro. Its so amazing there. The weather is good and the people are even better...espcially one in partictular. Her name was Livie. Man was she bad I got beat up just for putting my hand on her shoulder. Turns out that she was married to the head honcho, Ticka Welsh. Who knew? After about two weeks we set off again. I never will forget the good people on that bay. :) <3

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