Friday, September 9, 2011

Entry #3

After being in Rio de Janeiro we stopped for winter in Puerto San Julian (Argentina) in March 1520. We had a good time untill some crazy nut jobs broke out in a huge outburst. A mutiny...for crying out loud. Its all started with Jimmy, you know the one lazy bum I told you about, yeah him. As soon as we landed in Puerto San Julian some sailor thats not the brightest crayon in the crayon box, set him free from the dungeon *stock room*. I was unaware of that untill he snuck up behind me with a fork...a fork. Ok, first of all who trys to atack thier captin and second with a fork. I simply grabbed the fork out of his hand, thats all. You would have thought that I set off a cannond. Everybody started picking up anything they could find; pans, knives, ropes, bottles, anything and started atacking me. It was crazy, like outragiously-crazy.

After many long months we resumed our journy on October 18, 1520, without a crew member. Yeah, we left poor deranged Jimmy on that island. Haha! :)

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