Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Entry #6

Guam is so stupid! UGH!!!! I told you about the whole rat and sawdust thing, so ok we landed on Guam and went searching for food. The people of Guam...deffantly not best friend material if you know what I mean. They watched us like hawks and hid in the trees jumping out on us like spider monkeys. That made it alittle challenging to get food and water.Eventually we got enought supplies to go away from that afull place...and we did. Then we headed to the Philippines.

The Philippines people aparently did not like us too well becuse on  April 27, 1521 they declared a "war". Honestly it was just like a small get together...like a tea party...with knives and guns. Sadly I was killed during tea party. :'( *tear tear* That son of a gun philippian snuck up behind me. I'm so coming back to haunt him! Mmm hmmm. :)

After an elaborate furnal the rest of my crew set off to complete our journy.

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